søndag den 3. januar 2016

Maybe it's his time...

Diablo isn't feeling well, he lost a lot of weight lately, and his hind legs aren't working too good either.

He's almost 2 years, so maybe it's just his time, he was a feeder after all. But I learned a lot from him, and he got love and companionship here instead of the alternative.

We'll miss him when he's gone, and enjoy these last few days with him.

tirsdag den 8. september 2015

Diablo falls down

Diablo has gotten so used to being blind he falls down from the couch maybe twice a month, at least he just stays where he landed on the floor without too much panic.

I have given him a cat ball that has a little bell inside, and he uses that to get around on the couch now, and he has his own little bed too.

tirsdag den 7. april 2015

I'm proud

I'm proud of my little boy. He's not scared to go around and investigate anymore as long as he knows where I am.

He has learned to stay on his blanket, and can navigate around on it without help now. He knows he can't go past the edge of it, but often goes to the edge to relax with his head hanging over the edge of the blanket/couch.

I love him and am really proud.

onsdag den 14. januar 2015

New cage

Finally the new cage arrived! It's bigger than I thought, but it's a lot better for him, and Diablo also got a friend so he won't have to be alone anymore.

I'm keeping it short today, because I also have a new girl coming in, but as promised, a picture of the new cage.

And a picture of Diablo and his friend, Deckard Cain.

mandag den 5. januar 2015

A lot...

Has happened since my Diablo went blind, and that includes the other rats..

Diablo wouldn't eat in the beginning, but it's gotten better, he just forgets where he hides his food. We found a friend for him, and are now waiting for his new cage.

Besides Diablo turning blind, we said goodbye to my girl Sia, and our boy Azmodan got a tumor, and some other personal things in the family, so my December, and Christmas was busy.

On the other hand, I'm looking forward to my new girl I'll be getting soon.

But now, let's go back. Diablo has adjusted really well, and now lives happily as blind, his new cage will come sometime this week, and then he will live with his (seeing) friend in a one-story cage with lots of room. I'm really exited for it, and hope he will love it an adjust to it quickly.

I'll write again when the new cage comes along, but until then, a picture of Diablo and me when he could see.

tirsdag den 9. december 2014

This blog is my diary


My plan is to first of all use this as a diary, as I've never had a rat with this kind of disability before, so this is my place to vent, celebrate his progress and to write Diablos story.

We just got confirmed on Monday the 8th of December that he is blind, why we don't know, and it really doesn't matter, because it won't change his condition, but he is still loved just as much as before and that will never change.

And of course, a picture of Diablo when we first got him, enjoy!